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Election Results from the General Election
June 8th and the May 4th 2017 Election

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The last election in Willersey was the General Election on Thursday June 8th 2017.
If you were not registered to vote, you needed to register by Monday 22nd May 2017 to vote at this UK general election. It is easy to register to vote.

On Thursday 8th June 2017 for the Cotswolds Constituency Parliamentary election Willersey voters had a choice between six candidates:-

CLIFTON-BROWN, Geoffrey Robert    The Conservative Party Candidate    36,201 Elected   
GANT, Andrew John Liberal Democrats 9,748
HARLOW, Christopher William UK Independence Party (UKIP) 1,197
HUBAND, Mark Christopher Labour Party 10,702
POOLE, Sabrina Helen Marie Green Party 1,747
STEEL, Sandy None delared 127

Some brief statements from our candidates.

To vote by post you should have applied by 5pm on Tuesday 23rd May. The last date for proxy vote applications was 5pm on Wednesday 31st May.
To be able to have voted at this election, you must:
  • be registered
  • be 18 or over on the day of the election (polling day)
  • be a British or Commonwealth citizen
  • be resident at an address in the area you wish to vote in
  • not be legally excluded from voting
Your vote matters - the General Election gives you the chance to have your say on important issues that affect the nation.
Voting can also affect you in other ways. Did you know that being registered to vote can make it easier for you to apply for a loan or mortgage? It can even help your credit score.

Every household in the Cotswold District receives a household enquiry form from the Council's electoral registration office. Each year householders are asked who in their household is eligible to vote. The annual canvass ensures the correct details are on the electoral register before it's published on 1st December. Residents are reminded that if they send us details about someone in their household who is not registered to vote, we will then send them another form as that person will need to register individually. To ensure you are registered to vote you will need to respond to the household enquiry form online using the two part security code that will be on the form.
Sarah Dalby, electoral services manager says:
“We've had a great response to our canvass so far but each year we receive a number of enquiries that are ‘voting myths’ and we want to help dispel these. We hope people find them useful.”
Myth 1: I pay council tax, so I'm registered to vote.
Reality: False - The council tax register and the electoral register are two separate registers and are completely different. The council tax register shows the name of the bill payer but not necessarily the people who live at the property. For this and many other legal reasons, the electoral registration officer is not permitted to take names from the council tax register and insert them on the electoral register.
Myth 2: My credit score won’t be affected if I'm not on the register.
Reality: False - You may be told by a bank or credit reference agency that you have been denied credit because your name does not appear on the electoral register. This is because the electoral register is often used for credit referencing purposes to counteract fraud. Occasionally the records maintained by credit reference agencies need updating - they should be able to supply you with a copy of your record so that you can check the details.
Myth 3: If I register to vote, my personal details will be sold to other organisations.
Reality: False - There are two versions of the register - the electoral register and the open register. The electoral register is used only for electoral purposes, calling people for jury service, preventing and detecting crime and checking applications for credit. The open register is available for general sale and can be used for commercial activities such as direct marketing. Your name and address will appear on the electoral register but you have the choice to opt-out of the open register.
Myth 4: I'm a student and I registered at home so I don't need to register again.
Reality: False – Each voter is now responsible for their own registration – it's no longer the head of the household's job, so don't fall into the trap of thinking your mum, dad or more-organised housemate can do it for you. If you are 16 or 17 years old and will be 18 within the life of the electoral register you should register. If an election is called and you are not 18 at that time, then you will not qualify to vote. However, if an election is called and you are 18, then you will be entitled to vote.
If you are not registered to vote, you can register online.

Here is the official Notice of Poll for the General Election.

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The Gloucestershire County Council Election Thursday May 4th 2017.

You must be on the electoral register to vote in elections. Registering takes around 5 minutes. You will need your National Insurance number (if you have one). You can use this service to register to vote and/or update your name, address or other details on the electoral register.

Polling Station notice       Polling Booths

Willersey residents can vote for one County councillor representing Cotswold and Vale Division at Gloucestershire County Council. The polling station is in Willersey Village Hall. It was open from 7:00am until 10:00pm. You did not have to bring your poll card with you but it is helpful if you did as it speeds up the voting process.

For this Gloucestershire County Council election Willersey voters had a choice between four candidates. Here are the results:-

   McMILLAN-SCOTT Bella    Liberal Democrat 721
   McNEIL WILSON Robert    UKIP 109
   SPINDLER Ailsa    Green Party 173
   STOWE Lynden Oliver    Conservative Party 2145

Lynden Oliver Stowe is elected.

The Gloucestershire Council website now has the results for all the candidates who stood in this election.
Here is the official Notice of Poll for the County Council election.

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These are the names of our current county councillors.

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This is the official list of parishes and divisions.

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Make Votes Matter

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