Willersey Arms Union Jack

Welcome to Willersey

A Cotswold Village with a duckpond in Gloucestershire, UK
Union Jack Willersey Arms

Willersey has a facebook page.                            Menu & Search Page              Email us here:-
Recent and local events can also be published on our facebook page. Two other facebook pages for Willersey are here and here. Willersey on Twitter.

Willersey is a vibrant and active village in Gloucestershire, England, at the Northern edge of the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), situated close to the boundary with Worcestershire and southwest of Evesham.

If this is your first visit to our website we hope you find this page helpful.

There are two very similar web sites for Willersey - willersey.org (the original) and willersey.net (the backup).

This is the Gloucestershire flag also known as the Severn Cross. The blue represents the River Severn, the green represents the Golden Valley, Stroud and the cream represents Cotswold stone.

Gloucestershire Flag

The main aim of this website is to consolidate as much information about Willersey as possible in one place. There are two similar websites willersey.org is the main one and willersey.net is a backup if there are any problems with willersey.org.
What are thought to be our more significant menu items are categorised into the following main sections:-
Events, Issues, Organisations and Businesses, History and Information.

All of our menu items are available here and they can also be found sorted vaguely alphabetically.

The main pages and the sorted menu items page also have a (very long) search box. Press the light grey button on the extreme right when you have entered your search terms.

We are an historical village with much character The houses in Main Street are beautifully set back behind a series of grassy greens.

Willersey is set in the Cotswolds. This is an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB) which has many different areas, hills, flatland, escarpments, streams and rivers as well as many different attractive buildings created from local Cotswold stone. For the visitor there are many varied activities in the area to suit all tastes.

The village defibrillators are in yellow or black cabinets outside a corner of the village hall, on the industrial estate and near the Methodist Church.
Do read these instructions before you need them in case a crisis occur.

Tree on the Green in Willersey       Picture of a house in Willersey

Willersey Church and Village News is the parish magazine for St Peter's but it serves as a wider Village community paper.
It is free and delivered once a month to every home in the Parishes of Saintbury and Willersey.
Contributions for any month must be received by the 17th day of the previous month. Either telephone 858601 or 858628
or preferably by email to:-

You can access this website verbally with Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant and other such facilties. For Siri say, press and hold the Home button. You'll hear the (by now quite) familiar tone informing you that Siri is ready for your request. Say to Siri “Search the web for Willersey”. Tap the Willersey website entry.

The nearest village to Willersey at 1.3 miles by road, or one mile on footpaths is Saintbury.

Oak tree in Willersey field

If you email us we may keep a record only of your email address and your name. This will be kept securely. We may in future use it to keep you well informed. If you do not want us to do this please say in your initial email. If in the future you change your mind we will happily delete it if we have kept it and inform you that it has been done, (This will be our last email to you at the time!).

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Willersey has a facebook page.                                                         Email us here:-

Willersey Arms                 

This website will always be growing and changing so do please keep returning as more content is added and changes made.
We use Google analytics which is the only source of Cookies stored in your browser.
Copyright of any external sites remains and shall be that of the respective owners.
Boring legal - Details are subject to change but believed to be correct at time of writing (allowing for typing errors).
Do feel free to link to us at any time ( but please email if you want to copy any content).
This website is not like facebook. If you wish to change or add anything, please email us and we will respond to you.            

      Willersey Arms

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